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Placement Rules

Last update: 16.05.2024

General Rules

After you have received a placement request, and if you are satisfied with the proposed content, you should do the placement on your website in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. The material will be placed on your website permanently.

    Placed materials must remain on the site for its entire duration (including when it's transferred to a new domain) or domain (even if a radically different website is hosted at the address). When transferring the website to another owner (e.g., when selling the website), the transfer agreement must include the preservation of materials already placed on the website, or their re-placement on equivalent pages according to these placement rules.

    If the domain is not renewed, and the site ceases to exist, requests must be re-placed on the publisher's other website with the closest parameters.

    Re-placement is possible only after the system administration approves the action of re-placing the task and the website to which the task will be moved.

  2. If the advertiser has specified additional requirements in the task, it is recommended for the publisher to do the task considering these requirements, or send it back for revision to the advertiser, or cancel the task. If the publisher cannot fulfill the request according to the advertiser's specified requirements, they should not neglect the task and carry out the placement without considering any of the task points. In case of non-compliance with the requirements specified in the task, the system administration reserves the right to cancel the request even after its approval. If the advertiser in the additional requirements asks to place not the link or anchor specified in the task, the publisher may ignore this requirement.

  3. If the link has been taken into consideration by the publisher, the advertiser can no longer cancel it. The link can be canceled only if the publisher has violated the rules when placing the link and refuses to correct the violation even after the link for revision has been sent.

  4. Indexing is mandatory for links in the "In The News", "Advertiser's Article" and "Publisher's Article" formats, created on or after 09/04/2013.

  5. Links should not be placed on forum pages. If your site consists only of a forum, then, unfortunately, it is not suitable for work in the system, regardless of the parameters and presence in the catalogs.

  6. The text of the material cannot be changed. The advertiser wants to place the exact text that they specified in the task, unless the corresponding option is set in the request parameters ("it is possible to inflect the text" or the option "any anchor").

  7. For "In The News" and "In The Archive" formats, it is mandatory to place only one link. If the advertiser specifies several links, the publisher places one of them at their discretion. Placing multiple links within one task in the "In The News" or "In The Archive" format can only be done with the publisher's consent.

    If the publisher does not agree to place several links within one task, they are recommended to send it back to the advertiser for revision so that the advertiser can decide whether to change the task or cancel the link.

  8. The link must be placed in a zone that is indexed by search engines, as well as inside the <html> and <body> tags. For your part, you should not in any way hinder the indexing of the link in the posted material.

  9. Links in the material must be "direct", without using redirects, in accordance with the html code specified by the advertiser in the task.

  10. It is strictly prohibited to borrow the posted material from the advertiser's website or use it for rewriting, either in its entirety or in parts.

  11. Pop-up windows (pop-ups) that mimic alerts from other programs (antiviruses, Windows OS, etc.) or any advertising windows that cover the middle of the screen are considered undesirable on any page of the publisher's site. In the event of such windows on any page of the site, the administration reserves the right to disable the site and cancel the placement of backlink.

  12. The placed material must be visually accessible and easy to read.

  13. Links can only be placed on individual pages. Each link placement requires a dedicated page. Additionally, no other external links are permitted within the text surrounding the link. The only exceptions include: a) Contextual advertising from Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords; b) Links to the original news source and other relevant information sources (such as Wikipedia). In cases of ambiguity, the system administration will have the final say.

  14. These guidelines apply specifically to formats "In The News", "Advertiser's Article" and "Publisher's Article".

    The published content must be integrated into the website at the same time as the surrounding content. This ensures that the new material is indexed by search engines with the appropriate link. For "Advertiser's Article" and "Publisher's Article", the material (press release, article, etc.) should be published in the relevant feed with the current date. Changing the date of the material after its publication is strictly prohibited.

  15. Publishers must ensure that the material containing the placed link is discoverable by users navigating from the main page through the site's primary navigation links. It is unacceptable to publish material with a link on a page that is inaccessible through the site's navigation structure. The site's search function is not considered an acceptable navigation element for this purpose. The page must be accessible to both regular users and search engine bots.

  16. Advertisers' links must be visually distinguishable from the surrounding text in published content. This can be achieved through color, underlining, or other visual cues. The specific style is at the publisher's discretion. Visual distinction does not entail placing the link text outside the body of the material.

  17. Surrounding text can only be rigidly defined in tasks for formats like "Advertiser's Article" and "Publisher's Article". For "In The News" and "In The Archive" formats, the administration advises against advertiser specifying surrounding text requirements, as this disrupts publishers' workflow and aligns more closely with "Publisher's Article" format requests. Nevertheless, if an advertiser does specify anchor text requirements, publisher should adhere to point 2 of these rules (see above).

  18. Altering previously published content is strictly forbidden. Minor edits, such as correcting grammatical errors, are permitted without prior approval. However, any other changes must be pre-authorized by contacting the system administration through the feedback form.

  19. If an advertiser enables text declension, you can modify the case, tense, and number of the text. However, you must not insert prepositions, rearrange words, add other words, punctuation marks, or any other symbols to the link text.

  20. The publication date of the "In The News", "Advertiser's Article" or "Publisher's Article" must be prominently displayed on the corresponding page. This is essential for moderators to properly evaluate the placement.

  21. Publishers with multiple websites must create unique news articles or reviews for identical "In The News" or "Publisher's Article" format tasks to prevent duplicate content across their sites.

  22. Publishers have up to 15 days to work on a link before it is automatically canceled.

  23. Advertisers have up to 4 days to review a link. If they do not accept or send it back for revision within this timeframe, it will be forwarded to our system moderators for review.

  24. The system administration may ask the publisher to modify or cancel the link if the placement is considered inappropriate by the system's experts.

  25. The system administration may approve the link placement if it is deemed acceptable by the system's experts.

"In The News" placement add-on:

1. "In The News" placements should ideally be placed within the site's news section. This ensures that the link is surrounded by relevant and engaging content.

However, placement in other sections is allowed if the section is well-designed and relevant to the linked content. System specialists evaluate section quality based on various factors, including section title, visibility, accessibility, design, and the overall quality of the content where the link is placed. 

2. Each task should only include the placement of a single link. If the advertiser has provided multiple link options, the publisher is free to choose any one of them and insert only that selected link.

3. When submitting "In The News" backlinks, publisher have full control over the style of the news article and the anchor text. The only requirement is to incorporate one of the link options provided by the advertiser into the body of the news article being published on the site. The text surrounding the link should maintain a positive or neutral tone and avoid portraying the advertiser's service or website in an unfavorable light.

4. Links should be placed naturally within the news article itself, rather than being inserted as an external link.

This means that the link should be seamlessly integrated into the flow of the text, not simply added as an afterthought. While the link doesn't have to be directly related to the topic of the article, it should still make sense in the context of the surrounding content. If the advertiser has approved placing the link outside of the news text, the publisher may do so. In such cases, the application fee will be reduced by 20%.

5. Links must be placed within the news text itself. If the advertiser has not indicated that it is possible to place a link outside of the news text, then the link will be sent back for revision.

In cases where the advertiser has specified that placement should only occur outside of the news text, the backlink will only be accepted with this placement and a 20% reduced cost. Even if the publisher chooses to place the link within the news text at their own discretion, the reduced cost will still apply. 

If a link is placed outside of the news text, it should be embedded within a paragraph consisting of two to three thematically relevant sentences. This approach will be advantageous for both the advertiser's link and the publisher's site.

Links placed outside the news text should not be positioned in the website's footer, sidebar, or any other area that is visually distinct from the main content. The link should not be separated from the text by any graphical elements, links to other articles, advertisements, or other informational blocks.

6. The main body of the news article must be longer than 1000 characters, including spaces.

7. In cases where the advertiser has specified that placement should only occur after the news article, the link should be placed accordingly. If you choose to place the link within the news text, the placement cost will still be reduced by 20%.

"In The Archive" placement add-on:

1. The "In The Archive" must be placed on a page that has already been indexed by Yandex.

2. If the advertiser specifies the page on which he wants to place the link, then the publisher must place the link on that specific page. If this is not possible, the publisher can offer the advertiser another page for placement and place the backlink after his consent.

3. The link text should be logically and organically integrated into the text of the publication. The concept of placement "in the text" is explained in more detail in paragraph 5 of the "In The News" placement add-on" format" section.

"Advertiser's Article" and "Publisher's Article" placement add-on:

1. The text of the "Advertiser's Article" or "Publisher's Article" must be unique.

2. The volume of the "Advertiser's Article" text should be more than 2,000 characters, including spaces, and the "Publisher's Article" should be at least 1,500 characters.

3. For informational articles, the advertiser can specify up to three links to different domains. For commercial articles, all links must be from the same domain.

4. If the advertiser has specified links to different domains, but the publisher is not ready to place such backlincks, you can request an increase in the price, or reject the task. You do not need to fulfill it at your own discretion.

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