Sape is growing and intends to expand to other world markets. We are glad to present you a new foreign partner of Sape - Serpzilla. Serpzilla is our important development partner in the international market that uses all of Sape's core technologies.
In order for webmasters to earn by selling links to international customers today, we integrated all Sape features to SerpZilla - a link building service that functions all over the world.
Serpzilla is a Cypriot company operating in the jurisdiction of Cyprus. A webmaster works directly with Serpzilla (not through the PCS). But this requires an additional contract. When concluding a contract with Serpzilla, please, indicate the country of residence. The option is available only to an individual person. The choice of the country does not influence the financial conditions.
Income earned in SerpZilla is shown in a separate balance entry. You can withdraw funds from it in new ways, but over time we will add the old withdrawal functionality that you are already used to.
Mutual settlements currently remain in rubles, both in Sape and SerpZilla. Withdrawals will be made in euros.
will be made in euros.